sojourns long silence - chapter 1
The policeman was kind. He offered to call someone if needed, he explained that her husband had not suffered before his death and that when she and the children were ready that could come to the hospital and spend as much time as they needed with him. Again. Sojourn had once lived with a terrible death in another life.
She had been a struggling single mum in public housing when her only daughter had died in front of her eyes in an accident in her home. Once again she could feel herself leaving her body and heading into outer space. An auto-pilot started up as soon as she floated into the Milky Way and she took care of all the matters at hand. "you sound so calm, are you alright?" "My brain is flooded with endorphins, its just chemicals keeping me calm".
Family and friends surrounded Sojourn and her sons. They wrapped around them so tight that nothing could get in or out, the devestation was suspended, almost like the pause button on a DVD and she clung to this pause for as long as the humans around her were able to continue wrapping them, but as she already knew from experience, life keeps ploughing on through second after second and though she wanted her life to pause for ever to avoid the terrible journey ahead others had to get on with theirs. Seeing this change coming, where she would soon be left alone to manage without her husband she made decision that would confound all who knew her. She decided to take a vow of silence for a year as a physical manifestation of how deeply she grieved for the loss of her beloved husband.
When her daughter had died she had lived with an insidious unquenchable grief that came in waves that felt like she was being physically held down on the bottom of the ocean floor, dying, in pain, desperate for a short reprieve; it would come finally, she would be dragged up to the surface like a ragdoll to catch one small breath then shoved down to the bottom once again. These waves came without any warning. Day or night they came, for months and months.
During this terrible grief she had made it to a supermarket buying food when her friends mother came up to her gave her a hug and said "you're doing so well" and walked off quickly without having to hear anything upsetting about what it really is like when your only child dies and your on your own. This tiny little moment in time had a profound impact on Sojourn. She was stunned that someone could make such a shallow statment and slip away like an eel, probably patting herself on the back for showing kindness to such a weary burdened woman. Sojourn had actually thanked her. She had always hated herself for that but understood that people are weak at times and forgave herself.
The grief would be just as severe, she knew this path ahead, but no-one would be allowed to say any bullshit comments this time. She knew her decision would divide her friends and family but she had to do this. She had to honour him and sacrifice something that made her who she was.
Sojourn was a skilled communicator. She would attend parties and meet everyone and know at least one personal story about them before she went home. She would have couples telling her how they met, how they came up with the name for their second child. Her whole childhood adults had confided in her and would say "you're so mature for your age". No-one could keep secrets from her and fortunately for her confessors, she was very faithful with these secrets, never telling another. To give up her ability to communicate verbally would sacrifice a big part of how she viewed herself and how her community saw her. This was how she would physically show her grief. There would be no carrying on as normal this time.
She told her sons. They were so young they couldnt possibly understand. She imagined they would survive her silence intact later reflecting on "that time you didn't talk" when they were older. Her last words to them before her year of silence were words of love and encouragement and explaining in the simplest terms why she was going to do what she would do. They were crushed with each day that came as it dragged them further away from when their dad was able to hold them and listen and be a presence in their everyday life. They were being held underwater by grief and suffering as much as she had. She would hold them in silence, in love through it all.
She sent cards to the people she loved most with her announcement. Then an email to all the people she knew. Funnily enough people rang immediately. Her years silence began.
Back Home - bye bye California
Meringue of despair.
Day 1 at the conference
Well Praise the Lord I am here in California and have just finished day 1 of the "Hem of his garment" healing conference. It has been a truly uplifting and healing day indeed! The food is incredible! They have flown in a bunch of chefs from a 3rd world country to give them a great opportunity for well paid work. Who would have thought Mexico was poor, I had no idea! The chefs are earning $7US an hour, triple what they would earn in Mexico, I bet they are thanking God for this blessing! They didn't serve anything organic :( I'm sure I can survive 5 days of non-organic food can't I!
I really felt the presence of the lord today, awesome! We began the day with an awesome prayer meeting. I prayed really hard for unexpected gifts in the mail and debt reduction for my husbands business, I felt the Lord confirm the need for us to expand without introducing new staff, hello new Lexus 4WD!
We then had a break for morning tea. God bless Bethel Church! Not only do they employ Mexican chefs they also employed Mexico waiting and cleaning staff. I tried to speak to them and tell them I was from Australia, but they didn't seem to understand me, I think they speak another language in Mexico, not English.
We had another great section after morning tea with a bible teaching about the blessings and healing's God has promised us through the bible. I claimed those blessing as rightful child of Christ! Then it happened!
Pastor Danny Silk asked those of us to come forward who needed healing and prayer. I went straight up to the front and began weeping with excitement. Danny and his prayer team laid hand on me and I felt something warm and electric exactly where my womb would be. I closed my eyes and raised my hands and just praised Jesus for his healing powers, I thanked him for my unborn child. I knew a miracle had taken place. The whole room of people were overcome with emotion, everywhere people were receiving prayers and miracles were taking place. Just awesome!!
Prayer Points:
Repentance from poverty, small thinking and envy.
Courage to recognize opportunities and make wealth.
Abundance to bless the world and prudence to save and invest.
Revelation to pass on our wealth to our children's children.
So we declare that when the righteous prosper the city rejoices!
That first prayer point is so me at the moment. I feel that perhaps allot of my friends envy me. If this is you and you're reading this right now, its OK! Just confess your sin and God will forgive you. Awesome!!!
The first thing I am going to do after finishing this blog entry is have an hour long massage and a soak in the jacuzzi in my penthouse suite. I am really going to have to put myself first now I'm carrying a baby!
Next update tomorrow!
Yours in Christ
Not Long Now!
Ten of Fifty-Two: French Poodles

My wife has, for some time, been manicuring her Bichon Frise into something that is pleasing to the eye and stimulating for those with an artistic bent. Once a groomers client, she is now doing her own grooming. I can't believe there is a giant poodle grooming industry. (Or an industry grooming giant poodles, for that matter.)
Now don't get me wrong: I can appreciate the contrast of shaved/fuzzy patches on an Airedale, and being able to pick out the curves and intricate folds of a Shar-Pei, but I also love the look a bitch who is as shaggy as hell.
Magestic horse
Riding you with wind in my hair
Blood pulstating through our veins
Enjoying this wonderful burst of great energy
High in the precious green hills
Taking each breath as if its our last
Lets run naked
Naked through the fields
The fields between my thighs
And the swelling of your manliness
My heart is racing, in time with yours
To another world of a timeless floating mass
Pulsating skin, swollen with afterglow and
Gratitude as we escape into deep infinity
The order of the day
Bear witness
To the flicking of tongues
Traversing of pliant hands
Skillful in their giving of pleasure
Lips upon thy heaving breast
Commensing of a great pumping
Panting and a thrusting
Sturdy member driving into thy moist chasm
Hands firmly around thy waist
Until bountiful cries
Proclaim the zenith of our passion
Hello to my heart
My heart that is open
To swallow up this beautiful feeling
Soaking up the intensity
Penetrating my body
And through my veins
My heart that is pumping
Lust for you my friend
Trust in this
For all is real
Alive and wanting
Sweet Sensation
With tongue, teeth and hands
Kisses confirming our mutual wanting
Your throbbing member
Girating hard and fast
Then slow
Rythemic motions
Heightening to a mind blowing sweet sensation!
Tea for just wont do it
Beverage of the alcholic variety
No way!
Coffee = copulation
Many flavours available
Morning, noon and night
Whatever takes your fancy
It's sure to be an absolute delight!
Nine of Fifty-Two: Dance Floor Inferno
Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk, I'm a woman's man: no time to talk. Music loud and women warm, I've been kicked around since I was born. And now it's all right. It's OK. And you may look the other way… Actually, I’d prefer that. I’m all those things when I’m in my room, or in the shower, in any other place where there is nobody around, I have some sweet dance moves. I’m part Danny Zuko, part Michael Flatley, part some of those campy young elastic hopefuls you see on that abomination So you Think You’re a Twat… But that’s when I’m alone.
Philosophically, if a man lifts one foot and pushes the other backwards in a forest, does he really moonwalk? No, not really, because philosophically dancing is as much being watched as it is moving, apparently.
The thing is I have a wee phobia of dancing in public. In effect I have a small window of opportunity somewhere between about six drinks and when I fall down (which is very shortly after six drinks) when I can get out on the floor and tear it up. The problem is my dancing window is the same as my obnoxious and immature window. It’s a dangerous place to aim for. Innocent people can get hurt.
But dance I did. The last time was quite a few years ago, but a combination of hanging with my favourite in-law clan and being at a wedding where I did not have anything to do, and being surrounded by people I either loved, didn’t know or didn’t know and loved was an intoxicating mix. Was the D-Floor in danger of spontaneous combustion, Daughter of TJ style? No, but dance I did.
It wasn’t pretty, I’m sure. My partner, a fine, sexy, lithe young thing who’d been making eyes at me across the mandatory six or seven drinks provided confidence boosting/sapping direction… “Keep your arms down… Lower your center of gravity. Don’t sing. No, really, DON’T SING…”
So, phobia conquered. Friends made. Friends lost. Will I be doing it again? Maybe, but probably not for a bit. I hope you all enjoyed the show. Either way, thanks for the opportunity, Liam and Veronica, and congratulations and apologies...
Eight of Fifty-Two: Solo Building
My old man is a man of mystery. In my childhood, right up to when my one-day-to-be-wife told her parents about him, he was thought by some to be an arms dealer. I had friends at school who thought he was a spy. I had one girl believing he was a karate-equipped rogue agent, but considering the girl that probably doesn’t reflect on him, but her.
The truth is my old man is an aeronautical engineer and mild-mannered man of integrity. So, despite what I may have told the odd sexy but dim-witted girl in a bar in an intimate moment, he never taught me how to kill with my bare hands or escape from an orbiting satellite. In fact, when it comes to practical, he didn’t teach me much at all. (Unless you consider being even-handed, obeying rules and not taking unnecessary risks handy, that is.)
No one understands moralistic and well adjusted people, so like I say: man of mystery.
Anyway, he didn’t teach me to change a washer or build a cubby house. Hell, he didn’t even teach me to shave. He might have taught me to build an effective radar system for military aircraft, but oddly, we never had to so we never did.
So when it comes to using power tools and building stuff, I have never felt all that comfortable. It was with trepidation that I’ve been picking up practical skills over the last few years. Finally, a few weeks back, I finally felt like I could take on a project by myself. A solo mission.
And here it is. It may not be much, but it did it all by myself without help, and without any input form so-called experts (except the guys at Bunnings who tried to redesign my project, circumvented a range of fuckups and took a hefty wad of cash in return). This boardwalk goes from the backdoor to most of the way to the washing line, where my budget would go no further.
And you know what? I may not have a Mick Jagger swagger, but somehow I see in other men’s eyes – even men who I don’t know and who can only know of my conquest by the tell tale band aids on my office worker hands - a glint of respect.
Seven of Fifty-two: Rock'n'roll Myth Busted
Danger: 1/10
Excitement: 5/10
Satisfaction: 5/10
To be repeated: 8/10
Firstly, a big thanks to my brother for sending me the excellent book ‘Fifty Dangerous Things (You Should Let Your Children Do)’. I’m proud to say that my kids had already survived a number of the things listed in the book.
In honour of this fine publication, this afternoon my boys and I ticked off another thing from the list, and simulataneously debunked a myth I have been wondering about for a long time:
- Dangerous Thing: Dismantle an electrical appliance.
- Myth: TV’s implode when you kick them in. I don’t know where I heard that. Maybe it was one of the rock’n’roll myths I heard as an impressionable teen. Regardless, who wouldn’t want to find out if that was true?
So, first the boys and I carefully pulled an old TV apart, just to see what was inside. As I suspected the TV was full of wires and computer chips and stuff. I would liked to have shown the boys how it worked but I was only able to point to the on off switch, and a spring. The rest was a mystery to me, really. Maybe if the tele was working and the light wasn’t fading we would have put it back together again.
But it wasn’t and it was, so we chucked stones and hard objects that can be thrown by tuddlers at the screen until it smashed. And that was fun, too.
Incidentally, TVs do not implode when you hit them with a paving stone. Now I know.
(The other question I have always wondered about was why wee seems to do a 90 degree twist and then another 90 degree twist back on its way to the toilet. Maybe that’s a guy thing. Maybe someone can tell me if the same thing happens when women wee. If anyone knows the answer, feel free to leave a comment below.)
Six of Fifty-two: Negligent Parenting
Danger: 7/10 – I was in serious danger of getting a matrimonial arse-kicking.
Excitement: 5/10
Satisfaction: 2/10 – it was nice to find the little bugger.
To be repeated: 1/10 – what can I say? I’m vague: it’s probably inevitable
It was a hot day in my city. IT was a birthday party. The city’s party. We’d spent all the money we had on pony rides and icecream. My wife and I had a slight edge on the kids in the exhaustion stakes, but only just.
The Roary Stage show was just a distant memory. Spark and Plugs, the dancing bimbos brought along to entertain the three year olds, had looked vaguely familiar from the Ben Ten stage show at the local mall from the last holidays. Roary, the Prima Donna, had put in disappointing performance which involved moving his eyes but remaining stationary otherwise. (The main banana my arse.)

The kids were semi-undercover following a run-in with the facepainting fairies. What a bunch of bitches. By the way, “Petal”, despite what you heard his aunt saying to unbreak his little heart, that was a bullshit Batman you put on Kai’s face. I’ve farted better batman masks. I tried not to believe in you but you didn’t disappear, so I don’t think you’re even a real fairy.
In a last roll of the family-fun dice we took one of the kids to the free skateboarding lesson. It seemed to consist of putting on pads and a helmet and standing Leroy stationary in a half-pipe. I guess that’s start. Maybe next year they’ll let him try moving a bit.
Meanwhile my other son went a-wondering. We found him quite a long way away, weeping like a fountain (although thankfully improving his clown facepaint). It must have been fifteen minutes before we noticed he was gone. How do I know that? Because when I found him he’d managed to try to break into every side-show ride, only to be turned away. Why? Not because he was a two year old without a parent but because he was a kid without a ticket.
It was a scarey few minutes. Thanks to the Qball family for dropping everything to cover the exits and thanks to the bloody carnie fairies who alerted us to whereabouts by making him howl.
This is one event to be avoided from now on. Highly not recommended.
Five of fifty-two: The Tuffster
Excitement: 5/10
Satisfaction: 7/10 – long term itch scratched
To be repeated: 1/10 – customized and unique
Since in 1985 it was generally accepted that owning a fully functional light sabre or Corvette Stingray was unfeasible for average eleven year old, the ultimate in cool was to own a BMX bike with Tuff Wheels. Back in ‘85 failed to achieve any of these things. Tuff Wheels, for those of you who were not even cool enough to know this, are those plastic spoked stylin’ wheels which make their metal- needley cousins look like technology so old they may as well be triangles carved of stone.
Now, I’m aware that “coolness” has more skeletons in its closet than the British Museum and Tiger Woods combined. Who’s so-hot-right-now moments aren’t now their most embarassing cringe-worthy Polaroids? (fingerless gloves and leg warmers for me.) Who hasn’t secretly looked back at a horror fashion moment with revisionist warmth as the look swings back into fashion and your cast offs become ebay hot-cakes after years in the St Vinnies wilderness?
Given fashion is so subjective, I would like to think that I can suspend my sense of vogue to embrace an opportunity that never presented itself to me in its in-fashion window. In 2010 my bike now boasts Tuffs.
The bike in question was given to me for my 30th birthday. It’s a Repco Santa Cruz. I proudly used to get around the community I lived in at the time. Yeah, it was a try-hard Raleigh Chopper, but what they heck: it had red-wall tyres and a sparkly seat. It was so cool riding it could lead to frost-bite of your inner thights. In the height of summer people would chuck into their pools to lower the swimming temperature. But there was still something missing: the spirit of ’85.
You can imagine my joy, then, when I noticed on the work classifieds, a BMX with tuff style wheels. For hardly anything. “Don’t you think we should buy this for our son,” I said to the wife. “It looks like a good bike and we can put it away until he grows into it….” I already had a picture of the dragster, bedecked with tuff wheels, in my mind. Was it wrong of me to hide behind the future bike-needs of my four year old boy? Yep, but no more wrong than forcing him to live out my childhood fantasies. Besides, he’s too busy studying for his law degree to be playing with bikes.
It didn’t take me long to pull the bits off the BMX to Frankenstein up the Santa Cruz to be street worthy. Nay, catwalk worthy. Now, it looks awesome. I can’t wait to unleash it on the world. However, before I unleash the ultimate cool and bring premature winter to my street, I would be honoured to present to you… the Tuffster.
One of my best mates in 1985, Mark Rickert, died on 20 February 2010. My memories of him are old, but they’re all really happy, and he was undoubtedly a contributing factor to my fantastic early years. My thoughts go out to his family and friends as they come to terms with his loss. RIP.
"we're in unchartered waters"
"fucking boring, it did nothing but rain all bloody weekend. I was supposed to be going to someones house for dinner on Saturday night but she rang up in the morning at 8.30! yeah I know WTF, who rings that early? Anyway she cancels dinner because she know she will have 8 kids in her house because of the rain and doesnt want her house trashed. So, I FUCKING UNDERSTOOD! Jesus Christ, my Saturday night plans are now cancelled because kids might mess up a house and I understand, is this really my life now? Is it? If my husband calls you looking for me tell him I abandoned family life, headed to Nimbin to become an elder! You said it
we're in unchartered waters! Indeed!
four of fifty-two: Synchronised Jiggle
Danger: 4/10 (heart attack)
Excitement: 2/10
Satisfaction: 4/10
To be repeated: 8/10 (a la ‘Bring it on’)
Ever felt like an imposter? I just finished my first ever aerobics class, and I can’t help but feel I may have stood out somewhat. I was the wrong gender, the wrong shape, out of time and usually doing something completely different to the perky pixie running the show and her campy offside. It was ugly, man. I think my gut was still jiggling an hour afterwards.
But FUCK, it was some work out. I was left completely wasted. I would have posted this earlier, but every muscle from the souls of my feet to the tips of my fingers has been stiff for the last six days. If I wasn’t completely incapacitated I’m sure I would have felt much fitter for the work out.
Still, at this point I’d like to send a shout-out to my mates Dels Gherkin, who should have been named Dels Beetroot for her superb body-attack efforts, and Lexi Criddle, who has never ever looked so good in a pair of flesh-toned stubbies. High-five ladies.
In all seriousness, there are plenty of clichés and stereo-types I’d love to make the butt of some jokes, but I can’t do it. They out jumped, pumped, grapevined, push-uped, pliared and can-canned me for a grueling sixty minutes. Respect.
Three of Fifty two: Goji Berry Enhanced Free-snaking
Danger: 2/10 (amended to 7/10)
Excitement: 2/10
Satisfaction: 4/10
To be repeated: 3/10 (Unlikely)
Back in the day when I was just a sapling of a boy with access to a couple of well thumbed T’n’A publications, I got my hands on a Penthouse magazine dedicated exclusively to readers letters. It was gold. Not only did it demand a developed imagination and therefore possess a power ten-fold over the glossy photo versions, it was small enough to fit into ones school bag or to smuggle in the elastic in your pants if required, and it was very easy to slip under the ol’ mattress.
I know it was a quality publication because it was the only such magazine I remember from those heady days. (Except for a couple of really rank ones which I’ve been trying to forget for decades). And the stand out letter in this weighty tome o’ smut was about a guy whose new girlfriend convinces him to go out to dinner… WITHOUT UNDIES. It seemed very exotic at the time. Oh, the outrage! The sheer cheek!
I know that the concept of ‘going commando’, ‘free snaking’, ‘dangling’ or whatever you want to call it is hardly the radical concept it was then… Hell, there is barely a Saturday goes by when I don’t find myself picking up a coffee dangling happily in a pair of track-pants with my bum crack and morning breath keeping people as a safe distance. So, it was barely an afterthought when I put going to the office in a free-snaked state on my list of potential new things to do this year.
Basically, it was only on the list to make up the numbers, if need be. I mean, how hard could it be? My office is hardly the kind of place where anyone would notice a man without jocks. (Unlike the restaurant in Penthouse Letters June 1987, let me tell you.) And I was right.
What I hadn’t counted on was the Goji Berry factor.
My boss is a mountain climbing, yoga-embracing type. On Commando Day she wandered out of her office with a strange packet of berries in hand. She was grimacing, cussing and challenging anyone to try her latest health-food. The Goji Berry: the world highest know source of Vitamin C (more densely packed in than matter in a black hole apparently) and a miracle cure for dogs with baldness, cancerous cysts and/or smokers cough. With a rap-sheet that long you know it tastes like crap. But aint afraid of no health-food. “Bring it on, Boss-Lady.”
It tasted as bad as it sounded. To use viniculture parlance it has something of a rank nose with a mid-body that reminds one of pub ashtray and leather, followed by an aftertaste of shite.
Yet it wasn’t the taste that had me worried.
The medicinal qualities of the berries clearly took effect quickly. IN a matter of moments there was a gurgling and spluttering in my lower bowl that murmured ‘flatulence’ to anyone within a couple of feet. But there was more. The gurgling began to sound like… danger. I’d forgot that I’d removed the safety net. And there was movement at the station.
It was a bad place to be, but the free-snake factor made the whole issue doubly risky. The rest of the day was spent praying to the bowel gods. Lord, give me solidity.
You’ll be glad to know that this story has a happy ending. Was I taken by surprise in the backroom by a couple of cougar waitresses? No. However, nor was I taken by surprise by a cornflake and goji berry concoction suddenly appearing in my backroom. A good compromise.
I have since appreciated the peace-of-mind my favourite Bonds Sport Briefs provide, and thank the lords I am not an unhealthy dog who needs to continue on the Goji Diet.
two of fifty two: mystery activity #1
Danger: 4/10
Excitement: 8/10
Satisfaction: 7/10
To be repeated: 6/10 (Good chance - I hope so!)
There are some things a man shouldn’t reveal on the internet. Things that should be kept between himself and the relevant parties, stakeholders and emergency services. (Of course, if men were to do that the internet would be about a fifth of the size it is, and there would be plenty of IPv4 addresses available for good things, like internet sites promoting harmony and health services.) Some things are best left to the imagination, and yet not welcomed by most imaginations when they are left there.
Two of fifty two is just one of those things, so this entry is intentionally vague and abstract. I know that this probably isn’t the best way to go with the process of documenting my fifty two new experiences, in particular when this is so soon in the process, but you’ve just go to go with the universe and take advantage of opportunities. You should thank me. If only you knew how much!
It was a funny taste. Like a herb of some kind but a herb that had been heavily treated to be given a new lease of funk. If this taste was a guitar it would have a whole lotta whammy pedal on it and run through a bass amp, recorded in a bathroom and played by a man hung by his feet and swung around the recording device. Not uncool, but strange enough to make you wonder what the fuck it actually was rather than to concentrate on the pitch.
I did like the feeling of absolute power it provided. I was amazed that the others were so eager to conform to my will, in particular given the strange taste. I would have guessed before hand that any discomfort would also add to the reluctance of the others to fully participate – to suspend their natures and let me get away with the half of it.
I’d like to thank the participants. It was a fine way to celebrate the birthday of Angela Maria "Geli" Raubal, Austrian nude model, and Hitler’s lover. Particularly the nude model bit of her, and no so much the Hitler thing. Happy 102 birthday, Angela.
one of fifty-two: Ebay Profit
Danger: 1/10
Excitement: 3/10
Satisfaction: 7/10
To be repeated: 9/10 (Almost certain - kerching!)
Mountaineering is hard. Especially when you have no experience, are pretty much unfamiliar with the processes, and don’t have confidence in your ability to pull your sorry saggy self up the sheer face of an ice wall. You’d have to be nuts to load yourself up with gear and walk into the path of danger and fear. You’d have to push your middle aged paunch into unknown areas, across the very history of the planet ensconced in an ancient glacier, you crampons digging into ice that may not have felt the feet of anything since the days of Saber-toothed Narwhale domination of the planet, or whatever. For most balding suburban desk cowboys, that would be too much.
For me, too. That’s why the first of my fifty two new experiences for 2010 was not mountaineering. That’s why its mountaineering is unlikely to be any of the other 51 new experiences, either. Let’s just keep it real and get a few easy experiences under the belt, eh?
So, selling on eBay... It was really much easier than I’d expected. Take a couple of photos (Check), upload them to eBay (check), write a funny but descriptive, um, description that is accurate enough not to get negative feedback (not really, but close enough, so check) and push the button.
And then wait for a very boring ten days. Yeah, you get to monitor the number of people watching your auction, but that is hardly riveting stuff. I thought I’d get a sense of satisfaction knowing that my crafted description so wonderfully matched with my instamatic camera handiwork had lured in schools of hungry bidders, like barramundi to juicy fresh-water crayfish. But no. My pedestal fans got a handful of watchers and bidders, while the 1977 TV with the hilarious description was an unfailingly ignored. So, no relationship between cleverness and profit there, then.
Anyway, after a boring ten days there was a flurry of action at which time an experience bidder appeared and snaffled the fan, ignored the tele and was on his way.
I felt a bit used, actually. I feel like the hook from which the monster barra came from nowhere to steal my bait without getting snagged.
Oh well. Maybe next week’s new experience will more satisfying…
In the mean time check out my auctions here
#4 Lies
On my shoulders I carry our burden of lies
Loudly speaking of qualities of us unsung
The echos of slumber in your chocolate eyes
With the truth of last night under misguiding tongue
Like an acrobat strung over a net of thread
Falling back on a known sordid hotel mattress
With a team of advisors hold truths all unsaid
Many fingers in dykes holding back the distress
Your faults are the seeds that grew fed on self loathing
But those faults now seem sadly dwarfed by my own
Now exposed to words or a photo exposing
A wide world of disgrace like there’s never been known
I have lied to the world and I have lied to you
But my shame is I can’t say I lied to me, too
#3 Red Tide
Move, move, move like a red tide crashing all around
Blood red rose red crimson flames flick under flood light
To dart to duck to thunder through like love unbound
An undying phoenix rushing on in delight
Feeding on the baying howling crowds mad salute
With its throaty stamping clapping applause
Many faces and moods bound by a common cause
How to respond but with everything absolute?
While all exists in the shadow of a doomed clock
on turf pressed by boots of warr’ors legendary
The air pure inspiring of the awesome and shock
To turn the wrist of the fickle fate arbitrary
Forever muscles renew lax memories fold
Dividends to brave rewards grand to the bold
#2 Love The Beast
Two tones of metal rubber and menace,
The adrenalin whitened knuckled speed,
Low chrome wing-nutted fury in your face,
Red mist transforming into desperate need,
Everything tuned to break gravity's pull,
Like the shoes of the gods with wings of light,
The burning chemicals and grunting cool,
The checkered flag is Targa’s new delight,
Two million year urges in the fingers,
fiery lightning command at my foots soul,
The taste of a chicane burns and lingers,
Evil rocket combusting Rock'n'roll,
Bring yourself wholly indulge in the feast,
Strap yourself in, wrestle and love the beast.
#1 The Vulture
The vulture’s wrinkled and scowley glower
Is the winged marker of slow demise
Frankenstein design to make you cower
alive to survive hot amongst your cries
The powerful legs with maladroit claws
gait ungainly loping crooked intent
Black feathers reflect unnatural laws
Red ringéd eyes to be blind to repent
No more efficient machine ever built
Dirty worker of nat’ral selection
Smooth skin to revel in the blood that’s spilt
Hooked beak that will not stoop for reflection
Awesome efficiency in its function
Between life and death a creul conjunction
Stoush's Seven Sonnet Challenge
A time has passed
the junkies joke
A nasty junkie, living proof, come take a breathe of my pure truth, no bills no ties no love no roof.
A Narcissist forever!
I met him once
Red Dress
She walked into the room like a sea battle. It was unsteady rhythm. Rocking to and fro in uncertain violent charm. I felt the desire to stay afloat in dark and murky waters, with temptation and shattered, splintered integrity threatening to bring me down. The hem of her red dress, brushing the back of her knee, waving like a flag in the wind. An invitation to the depths.
It was that red dress that I noticed first. It was like a beacon. Unpredictable soul I am not: it’s all written in the stars. Every sailor knows the call of port, and the joyful swooping flight of the welcome swallows. Every man knows the draw of a red dress. Or something like it. Worms on a hook. Burley in the water. A red dress over hips, held taut like sails. And hips like a gentle, salacious breath of wind.
But I have an advantage. I have no crew to loose, and no obligation to land anyone on the sand. If I chose I can follow storms, and court the 200 foot breakers. If I dare.
It’s a matter of courage. Sometimes I’m full of it. Sometimes, not so. Sometimes the glass is half full. Sometimes it’s half empty, and the full half is full of rancid piss. But the though of the red dress is Dutch courage in of itself. Rum before battle. The taste of hate on the end of a bayonet. Conviction and sin.
Destiny entwined but never joined. Ships passing. Cannons out, or is will it be signal flags again? Each pass is different. Red. Dress.
Deep brown eyes and smiles. The perfect storm.
A ship-wreck? A mermaid. Both.
Memoirs of a Teenage Goth: the Cafe Months
A strange teenage twilight exists, a betwixt and between period, a purgatory between school and pub; I shall call it ‘the café months’. And it is literally only a period of months, basically until you work up the balls to approach the pub door. Until then you are sentenced to sit around a café table sharing a cup of hot chocolate with four other povo waifs much to the disdain of the establishment’s owner. But this period can be looked on as a formative one, and it certainly led to many exciting adventures in my later life.
There were two venues of choice during my teenage twilight time, both in the Rundle Mall locale. One was an upstairs nook lined with booths where a friend of a friend worked. This friend was obviously somewhat embarrassed by the freaks the cat dragged in and generally gave us fairly short shrift so inevitably we drifted to choice number two, the open air café in the middle of the mall.
I don’t know if open spaces make it less obvious that you aren’t spending money but there seemed to be less chance we would be moved on from this location. And so we gathered, the hippies, the punks, the goths, the mods, and anyone else who didn’t fit in anywhere else. Basically there were no separate scenes in those days; there were so few people interested in any kind of scene that we all had to hang out together. There were no clutches of emos skulking around in the shadows, or marauding bands of skate punks tearing up the sidewalks. There were just a few sad misfits huddled over a brew and a couple of crumbs.
It was here that I met one of my most constant teenage companions Johnny. He was my first major crush, which was unfortunate since he was obviously gay. Still didn’t stop us fucking each other at the end of the night if no-one else was around, but more about that later. Johnny could be described as an extreme mod I suppose; when I first met him he had a black bowl haircut and was wearing a pair of purple stovepipe pants and a white shirt with a purple pyramid print. This would later be supplemented by a fluffy purple waistcoat that somewhat resembled a 70’s toilet mat.
I was in semi-mod mode myself at the time, just before the transition to goth took place. My uniform consisted of a black skivvy with a paisley mini skirt, black boots and big silver hoop earrings. What a marvelous pair Johnny and I must have made! He eventually followed me in to goth mode and I still have photos of us camping it up at the Austral with our dramatic black locks and talcum powder enhanced white makeup.
Another character to become familiar with from this time is Josie. She was basically a bogan with punk pretensions but we hit it off immediately due to our shared propensity for cheap wine and outrageously stupid antics. Clubbing in gorilla suits, pot plant stealing frenzies and interpretive dance at grunge gigs were just a few of our specialties. Our little crew was completed by the twins Tracey and Shelly, gorgeous and totally twisted. One of Shelly’s crowning achievements was falling off a toilet at Le Rox and breaking her elbow. Naturally she just got up and hit the dance floor again and dealt with it all the next day. One of my crowning achievements was tripping over in the beer garden at the Toucan Club and burning my hand on the pot belly stove. Naturally I just got up and hit the dance floor again. Occasionally the pain would break through and I would dash in to the toilets to run my hand under the cold water tap and then dash back out in time for the next song. I slept with my hand in a bucket of water that night and made my way to hospital the following day. I re-emerged later that week at a Wall of Voodoo gig with a bandaged mitt protruding from my vintage leather jacket.
Tracey, Shelly and I eventually ended up sharing a house together, a hovel frequented by Johnny and Josie and other unhinged alternative types. It became one of those notorious share houses that people loved to visit and then loved to leave again for the safety of civilization. Future installments of the memoir will doubtlessly feature the further adventures of this hallowed abode.
And to think all this germinated in a coffee shop. From a caffeinated but otherwise drug and alcohol free venue evolved a seedy sub-culture of teenage angst, lust, insanity and general joie de vivre. Let this be a warning to all you parents out there; when the kiddies say that all they do on a Friday night is hang out in a coffee shop beware! As the song goes, ‘from little things big things grow’.
Haiku poo
Work haiku....
I am at my desk.
I have lined up all my pens.
I should do some work.
Existentialist haiku….
What is with haikus?
Are they valid forms of art?
Or do they restrict………….......expression.
Post Modernist haiku....
True, this is not art.
But to not be art is art.
Or just more bollocks.
Surealist haiku....
Golden bum leg smells.
Wardrobe on my head is round.
That's irrelevant.
note = note
I keep stuffing those two up. Poops.
Huh??? I guess it did seem bad but I had an explanation if anyone should care to listen.
Oh no oh no oh no. Fortune telling, never did anyone any good m' laddy.
Riddled with insecurities and codes!!!! Manipulative. Stuffed her up for good. Was real quiet, and then came out of my shell, like. Some of it was beautiful. A beautiful picture, show you how beautiful you are. And then WHAM. Cut you down to size. All the capitaliSation done for you. Man, too easy. No excuses. Man. Have you been on the grass? 'cos seriously man, you smell. You have no sense of civility about you, and yet you don't care. Fascinating. You really are rather fascinating: a fasssssscinatingspecimen.