
#1 The Vulture

The vulture’s wrinkled and scowley glower

Is the winged marker of slow demise

Frankenstein design to make you cower

alive to survive hot amongst your cries

The powerful legs with maladroit claws

gait ungainly loping crooked intent

Black feathers reflect unnatural laws

Red ringéd eyes to be blind to repent

No more efficient machine ever built

Dirty worker of nat’ral selection

Smooth skin to revel in the blood that’s spilt

Hooked beak that will not stoop for reflection

Awesome efficiency in its function

Between life and death a creul conjunction

1 comment:

  1. Well, I may have underestimated the sonnet challenge somewhat. I am just getting my head around how to put one together properly. Researching sonnets I reaslise its a little more complex than I initially thought. Go sonnet boy! xDells
