
A time has passed

I am loathed to express the depth I feel.
Not only depth, but too the breadth of loss.
Some days tis such a weight I can just bare
but secrecy my refuge. Blessed mask.
A mask of continuity, of grace.
Which, with thus mask, I walk through day and day.
Each day one more away from precious love.
A love so rich, but true, had just unfurled.
Reflect I do on why and how tis so.
The mysteries of life remain just that.
So on pour days, so on my mask, so on.
I fill each day with cheer; the task at hand.
As do all mothers in this day this age.
A mother to a daughter who has passed.


  1. Thanks, man. I'm inspired to get back into the game. Nicely done.

  2. this was inspired by your book of sonnets which I will be purchasing a copy of. Why the lack of inspiration?
