
Happiness in a box

Bzzzzzz…..the box glows to life…bzzz…becomes focal…..like it is gathering energy from all around ….into it’s self….bzzz…eyes…glued….sucks…brains…and souls….in….towards it’s slant…it’s world…the real world?...maybe not….a world?...of some kind anyway……big smiles….excited voices....shiny consumerables....you need …this will…best ever….cheapest deal…nicest wrapper….most prestigeous…piece of happiness…in a box….assemble only as instructed…build into your life…and add meaning……but…..bits are...... missing……..


  1. Love it.. Especially the bolded/not bolded full stops.... like fly shit... on a TV screen...

  2. What are you trying to say Snipe? Happiness is more than just a gorgeous brand worn by the current "it" girl? Pretty and shiny doesn't neccessarily make you smily and satisfied? You Snipes, obviously havnt seen the latest offering from my friends at Camper Shoes. All this consumer angst will be a fluffy cloud memory very, very soon...

  3. hehe...nice comments. Fly shits! I like it! And yes Delilah, rampant consumerism will soon go the way of the dinosaurs, if it doesn't, we will. I love this blog!
