"We have to teach them that no one's coming to save them from themselves."
Quote - Stephen Orr
We have to pave our own way. Look out for ourselves. Care for ourselves. We lose our power to do this when we give over, give up to something. To a figment.
Fear. To realise. To believe. There is nothing in this. That there is nothing in this universe out there that can help us. A 'nothing' that wants to help us.
But from within. There is power. There is a strength to manifest. That will build on itself. That can be lent on and drawn upon. That will look out for you and will take care of you.
To embrace the void. Embrace that you are all there is to get you by. There is nothing else. There is no-one else.
And the fiction. What a life destroyer. A time destroyer. A thing that fosters regret. Takes the believer's power and perpetuates the fiction. Makes itself stronger.
To believe is a power. A strength. Your gift. Belief that can be used to foster and grow self-power, self belief; or to give up, give away. Trade for a something.....
I sometimes wish this wasnt true. It would be nice to think "we" are not the ones steering the course of our life. I learnt this the hardest way.