

Here it is people! Just what you have been waiting for; a journey through the cesspit of my soul, a sniff at my fetid teenage years and a grope through the declining grandeur of my impending middle age. Behold as I bitch and moan for your reading pleasure! And just when you think it's all going to be about me I'll throw in a few passing references to events of the day and a bit about random bullshit as well. Betcha can't wait to read it. I can't wait to write it. Vent.


  1. I love the sound of a big fat venting session...Lets start with fucking responsibilities...FUCK dont get me started...I say we have a vent off ProfWhitsky...Bring on the A Current Affair teenage memoirs xxx Dells

  2. Welcome to the blog, Prof. Vent away. I love a good bitch and/or moan.
